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Voter fraud

Posted by Robert Brumley
Posted January 30, 2017 - Filed in News & Politics
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  • Robert Brumley
    • Robert Brumley
      beast-usa (Admin) LOL Where did he get his numbers this guy has gotten so nuts making up his fake news.
      He must be trying to get a job on NBC. 30,000 cheat votes for Trump & 100,000 for Clinton are the REAL NON-FAKE news numbers.
      OMG why is it so important HE LOST THE...  more
      • January 30, 2017
    • Robert Brumley
      beast-usa (Admin) And always bringing up the Russian HACK and they cheated FOR TRUMP!
      Who did the Russians HACK??? THE DEMOCRATS
      What did they do with the info they hacked? GAVE IT TO THE REPUBLICANS - TRUMP!
      But like the KKK Trump had no idea he was getting illegal...  more
    • Robert Brumley
      Robert Brumley No the Democrats are saying that Russia lol hacked the voting machines in Trumps favor and there aren't too many electronic voting machines. FBI investigation debunked all that nonsense and the Liberal media keeps preaching it. This guy has much better...  more
      • January 30, 2017
    • Robert Brumley
      Robert Brumley It would be better to ask where does CNN and the other outlets get their numbers from. Where do they get them? They're all fake news.
      • January 30, 2017
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